Virtual MeetUp: Practical Cloud Cost Control
Virtual MeetUp: Practical Cloud Cost Control Discover practical AWS cost-saving strategies in this expert-led webinar. Learn how to optimize cloud spending, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency.
Boosting productivity in changing scenarios These are some of Tarmac's strategies to boost remote work productivity while adapting to new work environments. With these practical tips, you can maximize productivity in the ever-evolving work landscape.
Strategies for success in a unique workplace culture’s 10-year success story is built on trust, communication, strong relationship, feedback, inclusivity, and fun at the core.
New partnership: Tarmac & Strong.Network We've partnered with Strong.Network to reshape software development by prioritizing security, observability, and streamlined developer experiences.
blog-truck loads of data
Truck loads of data The global telematics market is highly competitive and businesses must continually innovate in order to meet customer demand while delivering cost efficient services. Product innovation is a key tool in maintaining a competitive edge.
blog-we bought a saas company
We bought a SaaS company Did I mention this happened all via Zoom? With the world in lockdown and all international travel suspended, the deal was completed 100% remotely across two different continents and three different time zones.
blog-devops launch control
DevOps launch control Let’s face it, we all yearn for greenfield projects. Is there anybody that doesn’t want a blank slate for a project, a chance to start something so pure, so thought out, the code itself reads out like a piece from the Struga Poetry.
blog-the cloud arms race
The cloud arms race Think the race to the cloud has finished? What we’ve experienced is just the warm-up act for the next phase of cloud migration and this is the one that really matters.
blog-converting a react class component
Converting a React class component Since the React 16.8 update which added hooks to function components, you might have seen function components replacing class components everywhere. Function components are far less verbose, and require less boilerplate.
blog-devsecops toolbox- mfa
DevSecOps toolbox: MFA DevSecOps and its tooling are a subject one can write tomes on. One blog post could not possibly do that. But a series of posts just might. So, hopefully, the creative juices will stick with me long enough to write a few posts like this one on topics that I think are of vital importance to anyone.

Let's team up!

Tarmac acquires SaaS company Usetrace to increase software quality through use of enhanced automation technology.
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