Helping farmers with nozzle selection via native mobile apps.
Pentair reached out to Tarmac for help engaged their valued customers, farmers. Pentair needed to build a tool to help farmers with the complex problem of selecting the proper nozzle and then using bluetooth to control the nozzles on the machines in the fields.
We decided to go Native to support on-device items like Bluetooth, as opposed to utilizing a cross-platform technology. The app has worked almost flawlessly on and offline for farmers around the world.
Nearly 50 percent of the users utilize an Android phone. We built a native Android app to help farmers search for and control their nozzles in the field.

Tech Stack
The build of the API, backend and web side was very simple. It was all done with Groovy/Grails and laid on top of AWS. The API then serviced both mobile apps, Native Android and iOS.